My Film Camera Collection

Here are just a few of my film cameras in my "collection." Consider them my favorites of each type of film camera I have.

Pentax 67

My go to, well my only, medium format camera with interchangeable lenses. Perfect when I am in "work mode." I love this camera, but due to its size its not something I like to carry around with me. But its definitely a work horse.

Rolleiflex 3.5

Possibly my all time favorite film camera to shoot with. There is nothing like shooting with a TLR. It's just an entirely different approach to shooting compared to modern SLR style cameras or even rangefinders. The Rolleiflex is a gorgeous, well built camera.

Canon 1V

A MUST HAVE FOR ANY CANON DSLR SHOOTER. You will feel right at home here. Although its autofocus and burst rates aren't quite up to snuff compared to its modern equivalent, the 1dxii. Theres nothing like shooting film and having pro lens options!

Leica M3

What can be said about the Leica m3 that hasn't already been said by too many to count. It is legendary for a reason. NONE of my other cameras rival its build quality, though some come close in their own ways.

Voigtlander Vito ii

This camera made me fall in love with folding cameras- I want more! It's such a quirky experience, using one. But once you figure it out its such an enjoyable experience and challenge.

Rollei 35 s

My favorite compact camera dependent on a distance scale for focussing. To my knowledge there is nothing that comes close to it in design and quality.

I have been a professional event photographer in Los Angeles for 10 years while teaching photography at the same time. Follow the links below to see my work and be sure to subscribe to my channel on Youtube for more videos


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